No expertise needed for any of these resources. Dive in and have fun!
Name/Link | Description | Cost | Level |
Open source evidence based, integrated data science materials for grades 7-12 classes. Bootstrap: Data Science is the Data Sciences Academy's chosen PD provider for the EDSci Fellowship 22-23. | Free material, $150 Virtual workshop | Middle, High school, Post-Secondary | |
Our World in Data | Downloadable data sets, graphical visualization. Updated Daily: Research and data to make progress against the world's largest problems. | Free - Open access and open source | Elementary, Middle, High school, Post-Secondary |
New York Times, What's Going On in This Graph? | Graphs, maps and charts from The Times - and an invitation to students to discuss them live | Free | Elementary, Middle, High school, Post-Secondary |
Youcubed | Collection of online classes, resources, data science high school class material, ideas, etc. by author Jo Boaler | Free | Preschool, Elementary, Middle, High school, Post-Secondary |
Youcubed, 21st Century Teaching and Learning: Data Science | Online, self paced course for anyone to teach and learn data science | $149 for downloadable materials and three continuing education credits | High School, Post-Secondary |
SciStarter | Citizen science enables people from all walks of life to advance scientific research | Free | Elementary, Middle, High school, Post-Secondary |
Data Nuggets | Real data sets that have been curated into printable student activities | Free | Elementary, Middle, High school, Post-Secondary |
Data Classroom | Partnering with Data Nuggets, online guided graphing tool, setup to create a class account to scaffold and track student progress | 1. Free 2. Up to $540/teacher and 150 students | Elementary, Middle, High school, Post-Secondary |
Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP) | Educational software for data analysis, guided analysis of your own or preloaded data sets, customizable graphing | Free | Elementary, Middle, High school, Post-Secondary |
Dear Data | Artful hand drawn data visualizations on postcards | Free | Preschool, Elementary, Middle, High school, Post-Secondary |
WOLFRAM Demonstrations Project | Visualization of many math topics | Free | Preschool, Elementary, Middle, High school, Post-Secondary |
Project X: Exploring Data | 4 online courses for teachers focusing on social studies, options for 5 week, semester, year long | Free | Middle, High school, Post-Secondary |
Citizen Science | Official government website designed to accelerate the use of crowdsourcing and citizen science across the U.S. government | Free | Middle, High school, Post-Secondary |
Digital Promise | Wide digital resource collection, videos, frameworks, toolkits, guides, curriculum, research papers, infographics and more, with the ultimate goal of closing the digital learning gap | Free | Elementary, Middle, High school, Post-Secondary |
PBL Works | Project Based Learning for all. All students should have access to quality Project Based Learning to deepen their learning and achieve success in college, career, and life. | Free | Elementary, Middle, High school, Post-Secondary |
YouCube's HS Data Science Curriculum | Explorations in Data Science: Adaptable, project-based curriculum for high school | FREE | High school, Post-Secondary |
Big Ideas in Data Science | A Selection of Big Ideas from Data Science – from GAISE II (2021) | Free | K-10 |
GAISE II | Pre-K – 12 Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education II (GAISE II): A Framework for Statistics and Data Science Education | Free | Preschool, Elementary, Middle, High school |
Teaching Statistics is Awesome | The goal of this blog is to support statistics teachers and share some statistics love ♥ A collection of readily adaptable and current material for teaching data science at the K-14 level. | Free | Middle, High school, Post-Secondary |
AZCSTA | The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) understands that teaching computer science is hard. That’s why our dedicated team and teacher-led Board of Directors has focused on creating a strong environment to support K–12 educators. | Free | Elementary, Middle, High school |
Data Wrapper | Responsive and easy-to-use chart types for every need. No code or design skills required. Our goal is to enable everyone to create beautiful charts, maps, and tables. Including you. | Free | Middle, High school, Post-Secondary |
ChartR | Data storytelling. Data-driven insights into business, tech, entertainment and society. Our visual newsletter takes 5 minutes to read and it’s completely free. | Free | Middle, High school, Post-Secondary |