Duke Pauli School of Plant Sciences "Application of Data Science to Ensure Sustainable Lettuce Production" dukepauli@email.arizona.edu
Elisabeth Krause Astronomy "Cosmological Data Compression beyond the 2-point Statistics" krausee@arizona.edu
Kathleen Prudic School of Natural Resources and the Environment "Assessing the impacts of climate change on butterfly-plant interactions across North America" klprudic@arizona.edu
Kwang-Sung Jun Computer Science "Data-Driven Risk Assessment and Mitigation for Post-Fire Debris Flows" kjun@arizona.edu
Aneta Kielar Speech Language and Hearing Science "Stimulating Language in Alzheimer's Dementia by Combing Noninvasive Neuromodulation and Language Therapy Informed by multimodal Measures of Neurodynamics" akielar@email.arizona.edu